About True Riches

Transforming worldly wealth to True Riches

What are True Riches?

True Riches are the eternal, spiritual riches that cannot rot, disappear, or be stolen away from us. True Riches are affixed with our character; who we are becoming; with our HEARTS

Ironically, Scripture says that more than anything, money is also about our HEARTS.

It’s almost as though how we steward the money entrusted to us by God in this life is a gauge for how we will handle being entrusted with True Riches for eternity. Did you catch that? Money and True Riches are CONNECTED at the hip, and how we handle money is not only important to God, but also plays a crucial role in our journey through His eternal story for our lives.

Above all, True Riches exists to help you align the stewardship of your money with how God has uniquely called you to through his written Word and Holy Spirit. While we believe in leading with technical excellence and competence in financial planning, our biggest hope is for you to experience the full fruit of True Riches the Lord wants to bless you with and entrust to you.

Why work with a Christian Financial Planner?

Money is intimately connected to our deepest-rooted values and core beliefs. How we spend money, where it comes from, what it’s ultimately for, all of it. And along your life journey, you’re likely going to need to make numerous life-altering, fork-in-the-road decisions – and hopefully, those decisions are in alignment with your core values and beliefs. We believe that having a guide who shares those foundational beliefs and values will result in more fruitful decision-making and greater peace about those decisions.

Handling money in alignment with Biblical principles is a constant pursuit of “Not as I will, but as You will”. Not only will we be an uplifting and kind accountability partner, but living God’s way likely won’t make any sense to a non-Christian planner who doesn’t share those same foundational beliefs and values.

We believe in rooting personal finances in the biblical values of generosity, simplicity, and wise stewardship.

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